A sympathetic, first-hand account of the "liberation" of Saigon by the Italian journalist Tiziano Terzani. Author Tiziano Terzani Copied to clipboard Attachments Terzani, Tiziano - Giai Phong.pdf (27.27 MB) Vietnam war Vietnam Comments
Harass the brass: some notes toward the subversion of the US armed forces With updates in 2001, this article outlines the story of the widespread resistance and near-mutiny…
Korean workers riot in Vietnam, 1967 - Shelby L. Stanton The riot by Korean workers at Vinnell Corporation, Cam Ranh Bay during the Vietnam War.
Vietnam: whose victory? - Bob Potter Solidarity (London) pamphlet about the origins and meaning of the Vietnam War.
War crimes in Vietnam - Bertrand Russell A book-length critique of America's invasion of Vietnam, published in 1967, in which Russell appeals to Americans to protest the war effort.
GI opposition to the Vietnam War, 1965-1973 - Howard Zinn Historian Howard Zinn on the opposition to the Vietnam War by American soldiers. For a fuller…
The SS Columbia Eagle mutiny, 1970 - Steven Johns A short history of the most spectacular American naval mutiny during the Vietnam war, where two sailors hijacked a ship full of napalm and sailed…